Our product isn't really specifically high or low budget, this is because it can work with either. Such as a film like horrible bosses, it did have a budget of around $35k but it could have done with a lot less (excluding the actors) there aren't any crazy action scenes or any advanced CGI. Having a $35k budget for our thriller would definitely improve it but the story doesn't require it.
My group and I are hoping to make the title sequence seem like it could be a high budget film, but it could equally be a medium and even low budget film. The entire film would probably seem like a medium to low budget film. So it would probably have a distributor such as Vertigo Films, Kaleidoscope Entertainment or even Warp Films. Also by having these types of companies distributing our product I think they would help us get more sales, because they would probably be aiming to be getting more dvd/home purchases then in the cinema. Which makes sense since this product probably wouldn't be for a wide audience unlike American Beauty which would be with its comedy. Our product does have similarities to it, such as the dinning sequence in American Beauty where the family is pretending to be perfect and have no problems when in reality there are many.
If our product had an unlimited budget the main thing we would probably spend it on would be actors, as I find this would make the most significant difference to our product. The rest takes pretty regular equipment. We will try to make the location look as classy as possible but this still doesn't require a high budget.