Monday, 20 October 2014

Kyle Cooper - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Kyle cooper was the executive producer on this project, showing of his amazing graphic design skills through this title sequence. He did a good job setting the genre and mood for the film. 

It only takes a couple of seconds to realize that this is a murder mystery genre film. The entire sequence has cartoons that give of this film noire feel. The entire sequence only uses three colors, black, white and orange. Even the blood is orange, but its still easy to tell apart from the rest. The title of the film already gives of the impression of this film containing romance, action and crime. The kiss kiss obviously indicates the romance side and bang bang most likely wants to come across as gun shots. This giving of the impression of this film being about action and crime. The impression of this film being action is given of by the pace of the title sequence, most of the time the camera is moving quickly displaying things such as a man jumping over a fence and a woman being pushed of a building. Kyle Cooper also choose not to show any faces in the title sequence, this causing more mystery towards who is the killer and who is getting killed. Very smart tactic by him as this causes the audience to want to watch more to figure out more about the story. 

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